- Harlot Poncho in blue and white cotton is half way done. After the initial screw up of yours truly being typically blonde, I figured out where the increases are without the stupid marker sliding all over the place (thus creating a very unattractive asymmetrical design)
- Scarf from Little Box of Scarveshttp://www.overstock.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi?PAGE=PROFRAME&PROD_ID=730121 is working out very nicely in a mohair multicoloured mix
- Still working on afghan from 1970s pattern book and am 1/3 the way through 1st of 5 panels
- Started a triangular shawl in the new Grand River yarn for a Christmas gift to who I don't know yet
- Still need to frog sweaters for DN2 and DN3 that have now gotten too small for their rapidly growing bodies
- There's more, but the more I put this unfinished stuff in print the more I realize I have waaaaaay too much stuff on the go and it is kinda depressing me
That's it and will catch up with you all after the party.