Busy little bee. That's me. I have been painting our disgusting laundry room. There are not any before pictures because it was too gross to post. It had, get this, dark wood panelling. Yuk. It is now covered in a very soft white. Positively delightful. My little ironing table that I made ages ago, now looks ever so wonderful against the calm white. I am thinking about some cute vintage glass knobs for the drawer.
I have fallen deeply in love with mactac. I lined the shelves with it and it is so sweet. Did you know it comes in a myriad of patterns now? Not just the ugly fruit ones I remember when I was a wee one. The ones I have here are actually Laura Ashley.
DN2's job yesterday was to adhere the paper to the shelves. She does not appreciate the wonders of mactac. Actually, she hates it. And the little bubbles just about sent her over the edge. No worries, with a little creative adjustments they were gone. Love this stuff. Really.
Hope you are having a productive week, too!