Wednesday, November 02, 2011

yes, hello?

Hi! Remember me? I am the blogger everyone forgot? So I have been on an unexpected bloggy break apparently. I know it's inexcusable but have much to tell you. First, it was my birthday yesterday and I got some lovely presents! Dad and oldest daughter got me the lovely mugs and teapot from you-know-who. I am drinking my Keurig coffee from one right now!
And second little surprise is Marmalade. Mother knew I wanted a ginger cat since Pumpkin, our previous ginger, that had been given to my by one of my mother's neighbours as a "stray" turned out to be someone else's cat! I had him for many months under false pretenses! How hilarious is that? Anyhow, this bundle of sweetness is not overly found of overweight, snoring, snuffly pugs and has had quite a few hissy fits. But we are working on that. I fear there may be some kind of intervention needed in the future however they seem to be tolerating eachother at the moment.
Next order of business. A close family member was critically injured in a devastating construction accident and quite nearly lost his life. My husband and I are very close to this cousin and his wife so I have been at the hospital almost daily for the last three weeks. He has suffered numerous injuries but the other worker was killed in the accident so we are eternally thankful he is alive. We are lucky he is being treated at one of the best hospitals in the country and has come a very long way since he was admitted.
DN2 is safely ensconced at school and doing well in both hockey and her pre-med program. DN1 is in her fifth year, taking a PR grad program and working like a fiend when she isn't in school. She broke up with her boyfriend of 4 years in early September and I cannot express to you how devastated she was! It was not pleasant around her for those first couple of weeks! And if you can believe it, my youngest is now in grade 8. Highschool next year!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"The Help" was Amazing

Well I loved it! Great movie, fantastic clothes, gorgeous kitchens and the acting, well let's just say there MUST be Oscar buzz. Especially Octavia Spencer that plays the character "Minny". Quite outstanding.
But the pie! The scenes with the chocolate pies made my mouth water (except that certain scene, and those that have read the book or have seen the movie know exactly what I mean). But this led me on a quest, so as a result I have found two recipes that are suppose to be either the pie recipe from the actual movie and the pie recipe from the author's maid, Demetrie.

Please let me know if you try either of them! Yummmmm!
Lisa xo
PS Blogger is so fussy!

Tuesday, August 09, 2011


Excellent book. Read it in two days while away on holidays. I had to share it with my mother. The movie premieres here tomorrow.
Can't wait.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Peony Time!

I know this picture isn't great but the camera has been rather grumpy lately. I had to take this with my blackberry. The peonies are in bloom and they are quite lovely. We have had some wicked stormy weather here the last few days and I was worried they would be destroyed completely! I just love the scent of them.

I am patiently waiting for the curtains. They will be completed soon but I thought I would give you a little picture I took shortly after I painted the bedroom. Not sure if I like the shades I made for the dressing table lamps? What do you think? The originals are cream damask. Something to ponder.

I am still nursing the patient. Her six week post op appointment is Tuesday so we are hoping for some good news. The scars seem to be healing quite well and we have been applying Vitamin E cream which has seemed to speed up the healing process. But she still has some pain when she tries to do too much. My goodness this is a long recovery. Athletes do not sit still very well! And I am not getting half the things done I thought I would!

Here is the patient holding the incredible hailstones from Wednesday evening. We were lucky the cars didn't get dented, they were huge.

I wish I had more to report, but things have been slow around here.

Have a lovely weekend, Ladies!



Friday, May 20, 2011

Climbing Roses and Life

Hello my Lovelies! I know it has been so very long. But I have many good reasons for my absence. Dn2, the hockey player, had bunion surgery 2.5 weeks ago and all I have done for those weeks is the Florence Nightingale thing. 24/7. Both feet were done so it was basically impossible for her do anything for herself. It has been a difficult road for her. A girl that is as active and as fit as her to sit/sleep in the same position for such a long drawn out period. And seeing her in so much pain is really quite horrid for a mother to bear. The recovery is very long for this surgery and we are anticipating her immobility for another two months or so.

I don't leave the house for very long. Maybe a half hour to run to the chemist or to pick up milk etc. So I have not bought one plant for the garden. Not that I am behind at all as the weather here has been wet. Record breaking wet. No one has done any planting as the ground is quite soppy. But I do need to figure out which climbing rose I will plant against the new potting shed.

I want a vigorous one obviously. Fast growing, deep pink or cerise with a fragrance and a repeat bloomer. I know, not much to ask for right? America? Galway Bay? I just can't make a decision.

The curtains in the bedroom still are not done yet. But I did paint the game room/play room about a month ago. It felt so good to get that accomplished and pitched bag fulls that went to charity. I painted it "Elephant's Breath" the Farrow and Ball colour and am so please with it. Fantastic colour I must say.

Well if anyone has suggestions for a great climbing rose I would be terribly appreciative!

And for my Canadian friends have a wonderful Victoria Day weekend!

Lisa xoxo

Friday, April 08, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Trip to Bloomsbury

Have you been?

But you simply must!

You will love it!

If you cannot get there physically, then you must do what I did and get the book!
PS did you know we were lucky enough to receive 12 cm of snow yesterday? I thought not.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Small and Almost Insignificant Post

I still have not had the seamstress lady in to see if she can make my curtains, but I thought you would like to see the colour of the room and the bed and my lovely, lovely prints. The centre ones are the little sweeties I was waiting for from an etsy seller. They are so charming! And the other two are from my dear friend, Clara, who is now regretting the fact that she gave them to me. They look that sweet above my bed.

Things have been terribly busy here. I have DN2 home for the week from school and next week is break for the youngest one.

I also NEED to finish this room. It has dragged on far too long and I just want to get it done. But I refuse to hang any more pics til the curtains are done as that can give a whole new look to a room and would rather wait til that is done.

So that's all you get for now!

PS Absolutely no signs of spring here whatsoever. So those that are posting your wonderful Springlike photo? I am sooooo jel
Lisa xoxo

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The bedroom is very close to the finish line.
This is a blue jar I picked up while away.
But I cannot show you anymore until it is done.
I wish my Etsy delivery would get here. Soon.
::photo by Chris

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Crafty Goodness and Some Sweet Loveliness

Before I begin with all the loveliness can I show you my cottage pie? It was just such a perfect looking pie we didn't want to eat it! But I quickly came back to reality when DN3 said "you're taking a picture of that?"

I know, moving right along...

Craftiness. Not a word used around here lately, but I did manage two of these little cuties. One for me and one for Mother. It is a crocheted granny square done in pure, lovely wool. Then I felted it! My hot pots are very comfy now.

Then I lined the back of it with this lurvely fabric. If you plan on making one please email me and I will give you a few hints.

This charming bit of goodness I ordered for myself. Love it except for the fact I cannot get the melted candle out.

Gorgeous rose scented candle and holder from Ikea. I received two of these for Christmas from DN1's BF and adore them. Simple beauty. Did you see the pretty books? From DN1. My sweet daughter believes that mother should get everything she writes on her list. And I did!

Where did I get this darling little gem? Well my best friend, Clara, felt I needed more cornishware. And voila.

See how it fits in ever so cosy like? Too much happiness over here!

Isn't it just so easy to love Cornishware?

Clara also treated me to this delightful Limoges plate.
My heart is warm.
The painting has begun. Sort of. The pre-painting chores. But this weekend? It's all about the paint.
Thanks for dropping by

Monday, January 03, 2011

It Burned to a Crisp

For those that were waiting with bated breath to find out what happened to Mother's cake. I just felt so bad for her I did not have the heart to post about it. The problem was, and I really hesitated to tell her, was the use of TWO smaller pans instead of one large one as Delia states in the recipe. But let us not dwell on the mistakes of last year. As a new year begins I, like so many others, want to do a huge clear out of junk and begin some serious painting. Starting with my bedroom that has patiently been waiting for a make over. The iron bed I now have but I would like to start painting and am thinking of a pale blue or blue/green. Don't you just love the bedroom above?

And how pretty is this? But I often wonder how dirty/stained a padded cloth headboard would get? But so terribly beautiful.

Oh and my holidays were spectacular. My girlfriend and I drove down to pick up my daughter at uni on the 13th and she was here for two glorious weeks. Two weeks of eating, movie watching and cosy cuddles under eiderdowns. She had to return to school on the 30th for one and half weeks training before school even begins, but I am thankful for those blissful days together with ALL the family.
And it was a Sorel Christmas. The far right black ones were hands down my favs but not so practical. So I went for the fur trimmed ones second from the left. DN1 recieved gorgeous tan leather ones from her BF and DN2 got the short black ones.
Bring on the snow!
I do hope everyone of you had a festive, safe and fulfilling holiday.
And all the best, my lovely readers for 2011!
I have missed you so.