Monday, October 18, 2004

In The Spirit of the Coming Holiday...Yes My Birthday is Approaching

I am going to gift you with some of the best websites I have found while mindlessly coasting through the internet. Warning to non knitters, some sites may bore the crap right outta ya.

Angel Hair Yarn, a listing of movies and television shows that have knitting references or actual actors/actresses doing the knitty.

Tons of free patterns, be sure to check out the Hallowe'en patterns (am knitting the pumpkin loot bag for DN3 as we speak, well not really AS we speak but you know what I mean)

The Poncho Queen (need I say more, well over 100 poncho patterns and still growing)

I will not go to the library without this list
Listing of books with knitting related stories etc.
(I am such a loser, I think I need some kind of anti-fibre medication)

Just because knit baby stuff makes me feel warm inside

Am not a sock knitter but I love to share

Best Price I have ever seen for my dream yarn, Silk Garden

Did it and enjoyed it

Great scarf pattern, especially for a man in a tweed wool

Most beautiful wooden needles I have ever owned (I like them better than Brittany AND Lantern Moon)

Hope you enjoyed your little gift, and Jane, if your reading, be prepared for a picture of my knitting feet. I accept the challenge girl!


  1. Anonymous5:44 p.m.

    hey mrs bono hewson this is the other mrs bono hewson speaking..wondering if you have heard u2's new song he wrote for me...called could probably find it at
    it really sucks putting a comment on this blog tsk tsk

  2. Hello - I see you've add the code to your blog. One more change - can you change the member id from 1 to your member id, which is 16 in both the previous and next section.

    once you are done - I'll add you to the ring!
