Saturday, January 29, 2005

Once Upon a Time in the Btchwstix Household...

there were no children. There was a husband and a wife. There were no children, no dog, just a cat. It was quiet there, almost...peaceful. This was a sweet time for Btchwstix. Why you ask? Well, I was just about to tell you.

Back when there were no children I could:

  • go to the washroom without an audience (many people just do not understand the luxury of solitary elimination)
  • eat chocolate for breakfast without the third degree
  • buy clothing for myself without guilt (or wise cracking comments like "Did you buy that to wear?")
  • wake up in the morning and find the kitchen in the exact same state I left it in the night before, that is to say clean, without peanut butter fingerprints and strange unrecognizable smells
  • sleep til noon without emergency disturbances like "it's ten o'clock, can I eat a cookie now?"
  • stay out til all hours, drink, carouse and be merry without worrying about who may be at home with daughters that want to stay til all hours, drinking, carousing and being merry
  • eat a whole meal, without any interruptions, while it was still hot
  • watch my bank account actually grow
  • not worry about teenage sex, drugs, teen violence, house parties, grades, homework, hockey, exams, acne, meningitis, and a whole slew of other teen maladies

Sometimes, after a very long and tiring day I miss these times just a little, itty, bitty bit.


  1. LOL! Amen sister, that is my new Sunday prayer!! I nodded my head to EVERYTHING on your list!!

  2. Amen....being the mom of 2 girls, my 1st had to hit puberty before I could go to the bathroom alone!

  3. you said it!! 1st day back at school for my teenage girls...oh the bliss.And can't they actually smell chocolate...when you do try to sneak it into the house, they just know. I love having them around, but I am not having any of these "boomerang" kids, soon as they are out of the house I am turning their bedrooms into an office, a library, a knitting room...

  4. Anonymous10:22 a.m.

    ALL TRUE. But I have to say I couldn't live without them now either. Life wouldn't be complete...more uncomplicated, but incomplete. The little darlings do teach us to be unselfish, whether we asked for it or not. DO people actually go to the bathroom uninterrupted???

  5. I sooooo understand. One bathroom, four children. That says it all, aye?

  6. Anonymous7:54 a.m.

    It's MB. So, so true. Once last summer, they were all gone and I was home alone for a week. It was heavenly, and when they all came back I was GLAD to see them!
