Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Yep, this is all I've done for the last two days... Posted by Hello
Read, knit and drink tea. My upper back is out of whack and am having a wee bit of trouble trying to do anything else so that's been about it. Can't do anymore of the mittens as mother is using the "Weekend Knitting" book for their sock pattern and that's what I am using for the mitten pattern. The mystery is pretty good, done in typical Rendell style so at least I have something interesting to read while I'm trying to get comfortable. Also feel like I am getting a cold/sinus thing so like I said, taking it pretty easy. House appears to be falling apart around me but not much I can do (nor anyone else apparently). You know how it is, mum is ill so basically nothing gets done. Did not even attend my weekly knitting circle last night so you know I must really be in pain to miss that! I've been resting, taking Advil and putting a cold compress every six hours so it seems to be a bit better. I went to the doctor this morning (after pressure from my MIL who thinks you should go to the doctor if you stub your toe) and he said, "Take advil for the pain, cold compresses for 20 to 30 minutes and call next week if it doesn't feel better." Told him I could have bloody well stayed home and knit 30 rows than hear that. He laughed. Glad someone thinks I'm funny cause I don't. Hope your days have been better than mine.

Shit, have I brought you people down? I didn't mean to. Promise next post will be more upbeat.

Knit On


  1. Anonymous1:13 a.m.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Anonymous10:13 a.m.

    Hope your back is in better shape soon...although tea, knitting and a good could be worse.
    still recovering from the last cherry slice.

  3. Bummer about your back, Lisa. Hope you're feeling better very, very soon! Take good care of yourself!
