Thursday, February 17, 2005


Large family looking for in-house IT Specialist. Must be able to conquer all viruses as a direct result of children constantly surfing net and 5 hour msn messenger marathons. Being tall, dark and handsome, definitely an asset. Apply within.

Therein lies the problem folks. Hijacked homepage, firewall issues, you get the picture. Til I'm back to full power, I will leave you with this reason to fear acrylic and all of its derivatives.


  1. Anonymous4:14 p.m.

    That article you linked to is something all right. By the way, how do like 'Light on Snow'? I finished that one in one evening a few weeks ago...needed the break between sweaters, I guess.

  2. Anonymous4:06 a.m.

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    Thanks again for being here!

  3. Anonymous6:50 p.m.

    Hey everyone! Cool site! The job search engines seems good and the internet jobs are endless. Maybe I will have a better directmatch searching for retail jobs,
    since my keyword "customer care jobs" nor healthcare jobs did not fit as intended.
    Glad I found you! Keep on keepin on!

  4. Anonymous4:22 a.m.

    Hey everyone! Cool site! The job search engines seems good and the internet jobs are endless. Maybe I will have a better directmatch searching for retail jobs,
    since my keyword "customer care jobs" nor healthcare jobs did not fit as intended.
    Glad I found you! Keep on keepin on!
