I won't tell you what is in the washer right now. I will not talk about, write about or link to anything that has to do with the Buttonhole Bag. I know you are all sick of reading about it just as the children and DH are about ready to stuff that felted thing right up my... well you get the picture. My mother is just as fed up as they are, apparently if I swing that thing one more time in front of her (with its oh so beautifully formed buttonholes) she's going to thrash me (whatever the hell that means but she's been saying it to me since I was this high).
On another note, the mystery is solved. My Fiber Trends slippers went missing. I have been looking for them since I got home from my knitting group last night. Now don't worry, I found them about 9:30 this morning and no ransom note was ever found, BUT I have the distinct feeling that they did not get lost on their own. This is my theory and deductions thus far:
• DN1 initially laughed hysterically when I began knitting these, at first, behemoth slippers
• after completion, said daughter began commenting about slippers with little phrases like "they look real cozy" and "what other colours does that wool come in"
• eventually, DN1 eats a huge piece of crow pie and asks if I will knit her a pair. My answer is that she makes fun of almost everything I knit/wear/say/eat/like/buy and that the hat I knit for her never gets worn so no I will not (although I really am going to after I complete my husband's but she doesn't know this yet)
• she replies with "well, I like my Laura Ashley ones more than those anyhow" but there is something in her eyes that tells me different
• more comments follow, such as "you really love those slippers don't ya mum?"
• slippers go missing and are later found under huge pile of laundry in basement (she knew chances were slim I would find them there since laundry gets done here only on a "need to use" basis)
Nobody pulls the felted and blocked wool over my eyes.
PS Blogger is all screwed today so excuse any mess that shows up here
PSS Great blog for Scarf Style disciples
You had me laughing out loud for real on this one