Thursday, May 26, 2005

Hello, Anyone Home?

Yes, I am still here. Had more computer probs. Figured it was the batteries for the keyboard and mouse, changed batteries a zillion times til DN1 discovered it was a loose plug. Again, I re-state, I am beyond blond. Oh, and my bicycle got stolen on Friday night. Piss me off. Took me a year to find that bloody bike and it gets stolen. Who would want a red bike with red tires, a black market basket with a look that makes you think of the witch in "The Wizard of Oz"? They left my kid's racing bike and took mine. Wonders never cease.


  1. Good to see you back! Sorry about the bike, though. What is with people?

  2. glad your back, missed ya. sorry to hear about the bike, that really bites. Love the bags.

  3. Sorry to hear about your bike. I don't understand people nowadays. . . .

    Love that bag. What a great way to show off your obsession!!!!
