Thursday, May 12, 2005

Here it is. A skein of blue Briggs and Little and a ball of Mission Falls 1824 Cotton Posted by Hello

Why am I showing you these beautiful babies? Because it is a CONTEST! In honour of my blogday I am hosting a little competition. And the winner receives these two gorgeous items. The skein of Briggs and Little is the same blue I did this Buttonhole Bag in. This skein will give you one bag done in this famous pattern. The Mission Falls cotton can be used for a flower embellishment for the bag or a baby hat such as the umbilical cord hat in the Stitch n' Bitch book. The cotton is now discontinued so please feel honoured (it is a gorgeous colour). Now for the details.

The contest is obviously open to all my readers and I am hoping to hear from some of the lurkers out there. I just felt that you are all so faithful and leave some of the nicest comments, well, I just felt you deserved a little something (choking up).

All you have to do is answer a simple question (the answer being hidden somewhere in a past post) and email it to me at Feel free to comment but don't leave the answer in the comment section in case it gives someone a one up on ya. The contest closes at midnight (E.S.T.) on Sunday May 15, 2005. Look at the planning here, I may not even get a contestant! Now for the question. I went back and read some of my earlier posts (God bless those that actually continued reading me after the first few), looking for some material. I really am a psycologist's dream though aren't I. Freud would have a field day! I digress. I know you're patiently waiting. Okay, here it goes:

Who taught me how to knit and why didn't I catch on the first time?

Oh the questions I was going to ask you people! I am sure this one is better than the "what kind of bathroom tile do I prefer?" one I was thinking of using. And of course the "what male dominated sport does DN2 play?" was just way too simple. So there you have it.

I wish you all the very best of luck and sincerely look forward to hearing from you all.

P.S. If more than one person emails me the correct answer, I will do the names in the bowl thing.

1 comment:

  1. OK, I would love to answer and enter the contest, HOWEVER, don't want to give it away. Where should I post the answer?
