Wednesday, July 13, 2005
A Germaphobic's Delight
I know, there is no word "germaphobic" but I have been called that so many times I've decided to integrate it into my vocabulary, so there. This book is proving to be very informative and possibly even life extending. I am always looking for more ways to stay healthy and this seemed to foot the bill. It is a compilation of information regarding the entire body, from the immune system to gum disease and bad breath. This all interests me greatly as I have a compromised immune system that prevents me from fighting off certain infections including sinus infections, UTI's and other assorted maladies. I especially like the Chapter "Best Optimizing Options ~ Strategies~Treatments Reference". If you are anything like me, and question the validity of your doctor's advice on occasion and are perhaps sick of another round of antibiotics, this may be a good read for you.
For the latest technology in germ prevention for commercial facilities, please visit