Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ten reasons why I can't wait for them to get their butts back in school

1. I can go back to eating chocolate cake for breakfast.
2. I can race around all morning do my chores and relax for the afternoon without hearing "Is this what you do all day?".
3. I can return home with bags/packages without someone rifling through them while commenting "Who is this for ?" and "Why don't you ever buy me____?"
4. When I feel the need to talk on the phone/use the computer, I won't have to wait in line.
5. The house will stay clean for more than 20 minutes.
6. Silence in the bath. Need I say more?
7. I will not have to constantly guess "Who is that person in the sleeping bag?".
8. I can surf on the computer/chat on the phone without teenage sighs (you know the one they do with their arms crossed?).
9. 10:00 pm bedtime for all of them.
10. Have sex at 11:00 pm again.

*** Any Canadians care to guess what famous apple that is?


  1. Oh my God do I hear you. Especially that last one. Mine went back to school on the 8th. Bliss, I tell ya.

  2. good for you but bad for me!

  3. I hear you about going back to school!

    That wouldn't be The Big Apple in Colborne? would it???

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Way to go Chelle. Travelled that stretch before have ya?

  6. Anonymous5:21 a.m.

    Consider the power of being able to create incoming links to your site any time you want them...

  7. Anonymous5:34 a.m.

    Think that will drive you some extra traffic?

  8. Anonymous9:54 p.m.

    lol too funny
