Why isn't U2 showing up in my favorite music?
In Blogger profiles, you can list various favorite books, movies, music, etc. However, each item you list is required to have a minimum length of 3 characters and shorter items will not be displayed. For the most part, this isn't a problem, but unfortunately U2 fans find it frustrating.
The workaround for this is easy. Instead of listing "U2" in your music, list it as "U2." (Note the period at the end.) Now it's 3 characters long and will show up in your profile. Even better, a lot of other members have already worked out the same trick, so your profile will now connect you to all the other U2 fans out there on Blogger.
Note: This workaround applies to any profile item that is under 3 characters, of course, and not only U2.
~From "Blogger Help"
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