Fantastic book. If you have not read this yet, get it. Very informative and she is not as dumb as some people think she is. She has it together and is a very brave and innovative person. It's all good. The other books are A Cold Treachery and the knitting bible Knitting in Plain English. Oh, and for other Anglophiles (like you Elizabeth), I have been reading this book I found in my bookcase:

Just to get off of the reading/knitting subject for a moment, I have a shower to go to on Sunday. Your typical italian shower, at a hall, with probably 100 or so women. My problem is, it is a monetary shower. Which means, of course, I am not to bring a gift but give money. Personally, I think these are tasteless. I do not think you should ask for money at a shower, but regardless I must attend but I have no idea what amount to give. Should I give what I would have spent for a shower gift? I guess so but it still rubs me the wrong way. We will be attending this wedding in January and that in itself will be well over $1000.00 when you take into account the money gift ($500.00 to 600.00) plus outfits for three girls and myself well we're actually looking at well over a grand. Okay, I vented. I feel much better now.
Thanks. And have a great weekend. We are going here Saturday night, should I be afraid?
Thanks. And have a great weekend. We are going here Saturday night, should I be afraid?