Thursday, October 06, 2005

Things that confused me as a kid...

I know I saw this on a blog somewheres but I cannot for the life of me remember where. I have been blogging for a good hour now, trying to catch up on all my favs and have read about 20 or so. Seemed like a good subject so off we pop.

Things that confused me as a kid:

1. My girlfriend's aunt. She lived four houses away from me when I was little. She drove a souped up green Dodge Dart with mag wheels. Her hair was cut super short. She wore plain white tee shirts with her cigarette package shoved up the sleeve and always had a cute lady/female with her. Damn, wasn't I like in my twenties before it hit me.

2. All the dogs I knew as a kid would end up running away from home. Mr. Moore's dog Puddles, Poncho, Bebe. It wasn't until I was talking to some neighbours a year or so ago that I found out they all died. Some got hit by cars, others just conked out. How naive is that?

3. Quebec Separation. Not that that subject isn't confusing enough but let me tell ya when you are in grade four and need a current event story this is NOT the way to go. It is my turn and of course I got nothing. Zero. Nadda. I am listening to the radio over breakfast and hear about the "separation" thing. But get this. I don't listen to the whole thing. Get up in front of the class and tell them Quebec is going to separate from Canada. They don't like it here anymore. So they are going to all get a shovel and dig around the border and SEPARATE. And they are going to move out into the Atlantic Ocean. You should have seen the teacher trying to stop me. Talk about a train wreck...

Believe me, there is a tonne more but I cannot completely divulge how utterly stupid and naive I was as a child, lest you think it may have carried over to adulthood (yes Clara, I hear you laughing, shut up). I will update all of you as soon as I can. Much to tell, little time for writing. And no, I have not forgotten Tuesdays are for Blogging, I just had my knickers in a twist this week and should be back to normal soon.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:51 p.m.

    display your RSS feeds on their web sites for content.
