Thursday, April 27, 2006
Today's Specials: Cappuccino with Humble Pie
Hello! And Welcome. I am the knitter that refuses to go away. I have been busy but that is no excuse, I know. However, just last weekend we reinstalled the Kodak program for the pictures so that is part of it. We had DN3's First Communion AND a Prospects Camp for DN2 AND a huge trade show for my husband's company that my father was also attending. Why does it always have to happen at the same time?
The prospect camp went really well for my daughter. She was ranked No.3 til Saturday night when her team lost their game. Because of that she did not score anymore but ended up ranking 10th. This is the largest Prospect camp for female hockey players in North America. There were girls from all over Canada and the US. We saw Alaskan plates there. Can you believe driving from Alaska to Toronto? Many American universities were represented there with scouts from Yale and Harvard. She is one of the youngest to play in this camp. As a '92 she was considered almost a baby. Most of these girls are '88's and '89's looking for possible scholarships.
Oh, another little bit of news. We are proud parents of a pound puppy. His name is Cappuccino. He is a Lhasa Apso with a bit of something else thrown in there but what a cutie patootie!!! All the girls are in love and I have another living,breathing body to clean up after. I really wanted a big dog but my oldest wanted something smaller (read tiny). This little guy was just put up for adoption that morning and just had his nuggets removed. But what a face!!! We're calling him Cappy because his colouring is very creamy coffee-like.
I am still knitting socks and am still loving it. I am on my 5th pair. I am using the Regia sock yarn and am quite enjoying it. Haven't broke open the Trekking yet but I'm working as fast as I can!
Wow, you have been crazy busy! Congrats to your daughter! How exciting for her. Cappy is such a cutie. I've been wanting a dog for such a long time.