Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Corners of My Home

This is my cupboard that holds all my transferware. I have a fascination with the blue and white. The bottom is filled with red and white transferware which I love also. Most of the pieces are vintage or antique but some are still available like the Crabtree and Evelyn Mason's teapot set. I also have some Spode pieces and a couple of odd bits from Furnival. Blue and white seems to match with almost any decor and any of these pieces look great in all my rooms. The blue and white pitchers look heavenly with yellow tulips or pink roses.

Now if I could just get some of my flowers to bloom in the garden, I could fill some of these jugs. Toronto weather is cool.


  1. Anonymous4:31 p.m.

    You read my mind!
    I was going to join Corners of My Home ( or just do my own version) as well. Never too late.
    I love all blue and white!
    I'm still pumped about Victoria magazine. When I was boxing up old magazines the dh asked if we couldn't possibly "throw some of these out?" NO.NO. I won, of course.

  2. You know, if you are forced to get rid of some, there is a friendly blogger that could, say, help you...
