I know there has been an enormous amount of interest lately on crocheting hexagons. Alex at Moonstitches has definitely contributed to this infatuation. Her colour choices have been simply gorgeous. The problem is some of us mere mortals are, at times, crochet challenged. This is an example. The crocheted hexagon is, indeed, proving to be a bit of a challenge. It looks more like a crocheted circle. I won't even show you a picture.
Well today I have come to the rescue for those that cannot produce a crocheted hexagon. May I present:
The Knitted Hexagon
Materials: Worsted weight yarn
Needles compatible to yarn
One Hexagon requires about 12 yards of wool
Cast on 79 stitches.
Row 1. And every odd row, Purl.
Row 2. K2T, K 10, *Slip 1, K2T, PSSO, K10. Repeat *four times. Slip 1, K1, PSSO.
Row 3. Purl
Row 4. K2T, K8, *Slip 1, K2T, PSSO, K8. Repeat *four times. Slip 1, K1, PSSO.
Row 5. Purl
Row 6. K2T, K6, *Slip 1, K2T, PSSO, K6. Repeat *four times. Slip 1, K1, PSSO.
Row 7. Purl
Row 8. K2T, K4, *Slip 1, K2T, PSSO, K4. Repeat *four times. Slip 1, K1, PSSO.
Row 9. Purl
Row 10. K2T, K2, *Slip 1, K2T, PSSO, K2. Repeat *four times. Slip 1, K1, PSSO.
Row 11. Purl
Row 12. K2T, *Slip 1, K2T, PSSO. Repeat *four times. Slip 1, K1, PSSO.
Row 13. Purl
Row 14. Slip 1, K2T, PSSO, Slip 1, K2T, PSSO, K1.
Break wool. Leave a twelve inch tail. Run end through remaining 3 stitches. Draw close and seam two edges together. Leave end for joining next hexagon.
These little cuties really are sweet. If you choose to do more than one colour by all means, do it! Here I have shown you an unblocked green and blue one. Be adventurous! And enjoy!
N.B. Blogger lost this post yesterday. Imagine my utter glee after typing out this pattern to find out it was gone. Then lost internet service til this morning.