Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hallowe'en Greetings and a Knitty, Vintage and Rosy Contest

Last night I went to my knitting group and came home to watch my favourite movie, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Not that silly Johnny Depp movie but the real deal. I watch this every single Hallowe'en and always hope one day, Icabod will make it across the bridge safely. I absolutely love this movie. Did you know that Sleepy Hollow is a real town in Westchester County, New York? It used to be called North Tarrytown, New York and was renamed in 1997. This is a picture of The Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow. For more fascinating information on Ichabod you can go here.
Now those that are close and dear to my heart know that tomorrow, November 1, is my birthday. In celebration of this auspicious occasion, I am having a contest. Quite simple, really. Just leave a comment and I will put the name/s in a hat and the winner will receive goodies. Something vintage, maybe a book, magazine or all of the above. I will give you a few days to decide to come out of Lurkville. Simple, really.
Happy Hallowe'en!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Just browsing through some books and pictures I have saved on my computer. The above one has been on the computer for a while and I can't remember where I got it from but isn't it lovely? Don't you want to sit with a cup of tea and knit or crochet there?
This bedroom is just adorable. The sun is streaming in and the pillows look so plump and inviting, don't they? I was going to show you more pictures from this book but my online resizer wasn't working properly so this is the only one you are getting for now. You do use an online resizer don't you?

I changed my banner again. I hope you like it. Oh, and I am now selling on ebay, did you notice?

I am also thinking about a little contest since it is my birthday coming up and I feel the need to celebrate with all of you! More to come.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Take a Moment to Enjoy the View...

When life is really driving you to distraction, isn't it nice to just sit and relax with a cup of tea and a lovely package of goodies from your friend in Finland. Outi from White Country was kind enough to know my personality and send me items in our swap that I would have bought for myself.

A gorgeous green polka dot square from Greengate (I will treasure this as there are no Greengates here in Canada), a lovely hanky with crocheted trim, a handmade pincushion that is already displayed on my desk and gorgeous magazines.

How wonderful is that? Thank you so much, Outi.

I am still crocheting hexagons. With a passion. And loving it. 'nuff said.

Did I mention we have been babysitting a pug? No, thought not. But I have been terribly busy with this little guy as the cat has brought home fleas and they are on the dog and I have had to do a major clean/spray/greenhouse gas emission to the whole house. In the process, I have washed and dryed every blanket the poor thing has come in contact with. Which meant about 12-14 blankets. Well, I am a knitter, crocheter, fibre lover and some of the blankets are wool. Wool does not like agitation or heat. So, unfortunately, there has been some re-sizing done to some of the blankets in our house. Not happy but what can you do? Needs must or something like that.

And how is your week shaping up?

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Hexagon of Love

Finally, a crocheted hexagon Granny would be proud of. I have been trying to make these little guys for a while now and have finally mastered the hexagon. I spoke before of the ones I tried to make and they were a mess. They were kind of crocheted circles (try sewing those together!). I have tried to colour match the Cath Kidston colours and I think I have succeeded. Not 100% sure about the green though. It is not the Lamb's Pride Cotton Fleece like the other colours. My yarn store did not have the green I needed so I went with the wool/mohair. However, I am really loving the pink/red combination. So cosy! The hexagon pattern is free online. Very easy pattern. Believe me, I NEED easy. And it didn't look like a circle!

I really owe Alex at Moonstitches a great big thank you. It was her that motivated me. Hers are truly lovely and her eye for colour is brilliant. She is now trying to make the Nanny McPhee blanket and it is looking terrific.

Can't you just feel the Granny Square love spreading across the world?

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Happy to be Home

Boston was wonderful! What a lovely town with interesting architecture, fasinating people and young, fresh faces. I wish I could have stayed longer as our schedule did not allow much sightseeing but what I did see was delightful. DN2 is in love with Northeastern University and thinks it would suit her to a tee. I, however, think that a ten hour drive is a wee bit too far away from mum. Oh, did I mention that tuition is $46, 000.00 per year? No, I think I forgot that little tidbit. But it is a great school with much to offer. The grounds are well kept and the arena is about to embark on a huge expansion (bonus if you are there for the hockey program).

My next bit of new is that the above mentioned daughter has been chosen for Team Ontario. I couldn't be more proud! She will be competing against the other provinces in November and the final game will be televised on TSN (the Canadian Sports Network).

And finally, a reply from Flickr regarding Naked Guy:

Hello btchwstix:Thanks for writing in to Flickr Customer Care, and many,many apologies for the massive delay in our response.The photo you linked to appears to be moderated adequately,it's "restricted", by the photo owner according to Flickr'scontent filtering system, the details of which you mayreview here:,Joe

My reply:

About Corners of My Home
A place to share the favorite little spots in your home--the spots that make you truly feel something--joy, peace, whatever it may be. It doesn't need to be a literal corner--perhaps just a nook or cranny or object. This is a place to photograph spaces please - no pets or people. Thank you!

Joe: It is stated on the first page of "Corners of My Home" there are to be "no pets or people".

How does this not violate the restrictions?


I am quite sure that if he cannot be categorized as a "people" he can certainly be categorized as a "pet". And did I mention it has taken them over a month for a reply? Still kind of peeved at the whole thing.

Well, that about sums things up. Have a good one.