Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hallowe'en Greetings and a Knitty, Vintage and Rosy Contest

Last night I went to my knitting group and came home to watch my favourite movie, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Not that silly Johnny Depp movie but the real deal. I watch this every single Hallowe'en and always hope one day, Icabod will make it across the bridge safely. I absolutely love this movie. Did you know that Sleepy Hollow is a real town in Westchester County, New York? It used to be called North Tarrytown, New York and was renamed in 1997. This is a picture of The Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow. For more fascinating information on Ichabod you can go here.
Now those that are close and dear to my heart know that tomorrow, November 1, is my birthday. In celebration of this auspicious occasion, I am having a contest. Quite simple, really. Just leave a comment and I will put the name/s in a hat and the winner will receive goodies. Something vintage, maybe a book, magazine or all of the above. I will give you a few days to decide to come out of Lurkville. Simple, really.
Happy Hallowe'en!


  1. happy birthday!

  2. Anonymous8:26 a.m.

    Knitty - I'm so glad you stopped by my blog, so I could in turn discover yours! I love it here and adore your header photo! So pretty.

    Happy Birthday by the way.

  3. Anonymous4:10 p.m.

    Am I allowed?

  4. Of course you are you silly goose! You should get a prize anyhow just for your faithfulness!

    I just think it would be funny if knittingnurse won, she won my last one a few years ago.


  5. Oh, can I still be included :-) ? Hope your birthday was delightful!

  6. Outi:
    You are included! I will not be doing the names in the hat til at least Sunday as I am going a little crazy with my daughter at the Hockey Nationals. Will probably post the winner on Monday.

    Good Luck!

  7. I knew that because it's in Judy Blume's "Otherwise Known As Sheila the Great" - her family moves to Tarrytown. ah that takes me back.
    Happy birthday in retrospect :-)

  8. Thank you so much for coming by my way and leaving a comment! I'm all the more glad because I now found your lovely nook! I hope you had a wonderful birthday! I will now go and browse some more...
