Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pasta, Pictures, Purchasing and Pillows

I am trying to concentrate my effort on achieving some kind of order in the house today. It is undetermined yet as to whether this will actually happen. I do know that we are having Pasta al Forno for dinner tonight, so I figure I am at least one step ahead. Right?
I have also been fiddling with my new camera, trying to not always use "manual" and to figure out some of the features I am obviously not using to my full advantage.

I have a lovely pink geranium that has doubled in size since bringing it inside in the fall. It has decided to bloom.
The beautiful mauve/green hydrangea I picked up for the holidays.
I have thrown this picture in to give you a little hint on my latest project.

Don't you just love spotty fabric?

Oh, did I mention I am suppose to be ironing RIGHT NOW?

My ebay delivery finally came. It was sheets I had ordered in a quaint little gingham pattern, however, gingham does not like to appear live. But it is there and it is adorable.
* * *
Oh, and Colin and Justin are designers that have had many shows here and in the UK. They are hilarious with, I think and very skewed idea of what is desirable but I do love to watch their shows. They now reside, at least part time, in Toronto. I am very sorry to those that had no clue as to who they were. I tend to live in a tiny bubble here. But if you do get a chance to see them, let me know what you think.


  1. Oh my such beautiful stuff...

  2. Lovely pics, now on with the ironing - from one smug woman who's already done hers!
    Spotty fabric has to rate as one of my all time favourites, but we're in danger of overkill in this house!
    Julia x

  3. I saw the gingham pattern in the sheets...very nice! That bed looks cozy as can be.

    Thank you for the explanation of who the guys they're irreverent designer types who make you laugh.

    Now I have another question for you...

    Ironing? What's THAT?!

  4. This whole post was just lovely to look at!

  5. Pretty, pretty, *pretty* blog!!! I love it -- and I want those gingham sheets, too :-)

  6. Love the new gingham sheets. I love gingham!! I need to learn how to take better photos too. Mine never come out right and I'm using a good camera, I think... lol. That dinner sounded delish!

