Monday, March 17, 2008

A Word About Chocolate Biccies

Sorry for the long absence but we have had the March Break here and there was a whole lot of chaos going on with kids home, kids needing rides and kids needing mum for crafts, marathon movie watching and cups of tea with interesting (enlightening?) conversation. 'Nuff said. Now for some very serious discussion.

Biscuits/cookies are a much debated subject in this family. They are very important to us as we are tea drinkers and nothing beats a great biscuit with a hot cuppa. The problem is availability. You see, my hands over favourite is the "Tim Tam". If you are not acquainted with this particular indulgence you are sadly missing out on one of the most delightful epicurean pleasures of all time. There is no describing this with any justice. Some say it is reminiscent of the Penguin biscuit, but alas, I have never had the pleasure of savouring one. However, the TT are only available in Australia. I mean, of course there are mail order companies, that goes without saying, but the sheer volume that we consume cannot warrant case load deliveries of cookies from across the world, well at least not as far as my husband is concerned. My only solution to this problem is begging those off to the land of Oz. But of course this will only satisfy me for a very short period. Hence the discovery of the Marks and Spencer Milk Chocolate Rounds.

Elizabeth was actually the fellow biscuit explorer that turned me on to these little gems. In Canada they are packaged under a different name but still available in selected food stores. These are important biscuits. They satisfy the most demanding cravings. The chocolate, like the Tim Tam is top quality. Absolutely no waxiness whatsoever. Very important feature. So when I visit the few stores that do stock these I purchase in bulk. Sometimes up to 15 packages, depending on how many they have that day.

Then I hide them.


  1. Some Superstores carry TimTams!
    I found mine in Milton. They were found by the offspring and I had to share :(

  2. And where is this exactly?

    Need. To. Know.


  3. I recently learned about TimTam's and feel totally deprived! I have a blogfriend who is going to mail some to me, when the temps cool off, in her area. Her kids were floored that I had never heard of them. I believe I am a little pouty over this, okay a lot!

    Love your banner!!!!

  4. Great biscuit advice, just off to M&S!
    Julia x

  5. Yes, Yes, Yes, Lisa, my sister introduced me to those famous "Tim Tam" cookies last summer.

    OMGosh I love them, the entire experience of sucking hot coffee through them (like a straw) and then shoving the Tim Tam into your mouth and feeling the explosion of taste and texture in your mouth. :0

    Okay, so I'm alittle wacky over Tim Tam's. I can't find them anywhere down here Cali. RATS! :(
