Monday, April 14, 2008

Things were going so well...

My thoroughly productive morning went out the window when I received a phone call from the school to tell me DN3 had a headache, can you come get her? I am home for half and hour and the phone rings. DN2 has cramps, mum can you come get me? An hour later all was well once tea, sandwiches and chocolate cake was safely in their tummies.
So other than cleaning the oven, nothing has been done, nor will it. I have laundry to put away and ironing to do but some of my old standby books are calling me and I just want to sit for a quiet few with my tea and thoughts. The above image is from the most charming book, Romantic Style.

These images are from English Country. The images are gorgeous and the wallpaper samples are divine.
Doesn't this bed look comfy cosy?
Well, that really is all I am doing right now. I may visit the country tomorrow for tea with Elizabeth and then a busy week from there. DN2 has been chosen as one of the athletes of the year by a large newspaper here and she needs to go for a photo shoot on Thursday. I also desperately need a haircut so I will squeeze that in too.
I am still adding sites to my blog list but it has grown so much over the last few months, I think it looks a little tacky with so many. What do you think? Should I just start using bloglines? I have even left some that have not posted in a while. I just like them all soooo much. They put a smile on face. I hope some of you get that feeling when you visit me ;)
Have a great week!


  1. I hope your daughters are feeling better! The rest of your week sounds busy but wonderful!

  2. Oh dear hope your girls are feeling better. your blog is very pretty with lovely photos. I will bookmark you and return:)

  3. You certainly put a smile on my face, love all the photos!
    Julia x

  4. Anonymous9:14 a.m.

    i love ethat garden with all the vines and stuff... that's my dream!

  5. Oh the entire blog list thing gets confusing. Have you seen how Dawn at The Feathered Nest is dealing with hers?

    Glad that your girls are well after tea and sammies. I think that's what I need, too, how about you?

    Such lovely images you've pulled together for us to ooh over. Very restful and calming.

    Oh, congrats to your dd on her achievement! Hope that the photo shoot goes great.

  6. How can you not love a blogging community where simple words make a person feel so warm inside.

    Thanks, ladies, again you have made my day! Week!

    Lisa xo

  7. Enjoyed your photo's this morning...have a wonderful day!

  8. Anonymous7:31 p.m.

    I just want to crawl right into that Romantic Style photo. Now that I think of it I think I actually have that book. Hope your girls are feeling better!

  9. Anonymous12:45 p.m.

    Hello stranger!First of all I haven't visited in ages (shame on me) but I'm here now and thats what counts.
    I expected to see knitting and I all I saw was PINK!!! Which by the way, there is never too much of. Looks very pretty my friend.

    The garden pics are gorgeous-do you have a garden like that? Mine is not, just vast wasteland back there. I would like a crew to come and change that but then I'd have to have them back to water, weed, etc as thats just not my bag.

    Congrats to your daughter! You'll have to show us the paper when it hits the newstand.

    Talk to you soon I hope.
