Monday, May 26, 2008
Vintage Linens
Friday, May 23, 2008
Sewing and Pug Pics
Have a great weekend and thanks for dropping by.
PS Why won't blogger space?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
And the Winner is of the much delayed and overly hyped giveaway is...
Thanks so much to everyone that posted. It is so nice to hear from new people.
My latest projects are, if you can believe it, another ripple afghan. I finished the first one and gave it to mother for her birthday. I know you are wondering why I never showed you a picture right? Well that was when I was ill. Her birthday came upon me quite quickly and I finished it the night before her birthday and had to quickly block it. It wasn't drying quick enough so... yes, I put it in the dryer but only on "NO HEAT". Do you want to guess what happened? Slightly smalller than anticipated but still beautiful. That is why there is no picture.
I am also going to make some cushions for that iron bench I mentioned in the last post. That's the plan anyhow. It is rather dreary and cold here today so I will also be spending some time with Nigella, making one of my favourtie dishes to warm up the kitchen.
Have a great week and thanks so much.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Elegant vs. Shabby Vintage
Two charming platters I picked up at a garage sale last weekend. I actually used them so many times already, what in heaven's name did I do without them before?
The contest will be extended til Tuesday as I totally forgot this was the holiday weekend here and will be entertaining pretty much all three days. So if you haven't commented, while why the heck not?
Have a lovely, peaceful and serene weekend.
See you on Tuesday!
Monday, May 12, 2008
May 12, 2008 A Giveaway

My blog began as a mostly knitting blog with me rambling on about my less than perfect attempts at needlework. Ooooh there was some doozies I'll tell you! My photography was much worse than it is now, not that there is anything great about my talent now but oh, boy there were some nasty pictures going on. I also had this amazing list of blogs in my sidebar that I completely deleted, by accident, when I switched my blog to the new blogger format. There were some really brilliant blogs on there which I have never been able to find again since the memory is, well you know.
I have since expanded my blog to include thrifting purchases and decorating ideas which seems to have opened up my readership. This I am forever thankful for as I have met (is that the word?) some of the nicest people. I love the blogging world and reading all the wonderful little anecdotes that people are kind enough to post on their blogs almost everyday. I am forever inspired by so many. A few have decided to close down lately, which really saddens me, however, there is one that chose to stay afloat after an incredible response, isn't that blogger love at its finest?
What I am getting at, dear friends, is in appreciation for your loyalty and support I am doing, what else, but a little bloggy giveaway. Please leave a comment (that means you out there in lurkdom;) and I will be randomly selecting a name for a prize that I am sure you will enjoy.
I will close the contest down on Friday to give those occasional readers a fair chance.
Once again, thank you.
And did you notice my title? I was such a novice on my first post I put the date there not knowing each entry would be dated. Duhhh!
Lisa xoxo
PS I hope you all had a simply marvy Mother's Day!!!
PSS Sorry for the lack of spacing today, Blogger just was not in the mood to space!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
I Crack Me Up

I am seriously thinking about that Reese Witherspoon one though...
Friday, May 02, 2008
But is it normal to have more than 100 blogs to read? I am addicted to the beauty. Thank you all for making my day, everyday. How lucky are we to have a window to look through whenever the feeling strikes us? To peek into other homes, other countries, other worlds?
I am trying to get the garden into shape. It is going ever so slow. We have had rainy days and more in the forecast. I am so very jealous of those that have lilacs on their kitchen tables when we just have forsythias blooming.
And thank you all so much for the well wishes for my little, handsome man! He is fitting in quite nicely.
Thanks for visiting, and Keep Calm and Carry On!
Have a wonderful weekend!
P.S. Who figured I would go back and buy the wellies?