Wednesday, May 21, 2008

And the Winner is of the much delayed and overly hyped giveaway is...

Julia from Vintage Heaven. Way to go Julia. Please email your shipping address and I will have your little gift in the mail as soon as possible. I am sorry for the delay guys but I was waiting for the computer most of the evening while DN2 was loading DN1's Ipod. This little endeavor took well over three hours and I just could not stay awake any longer. The prize includes some treats, vintage apron, a pillow cover, some lace and Romantic Homes.

Thanks so much to everyone that posted. It is so nice to hear from new people.
My latest projects are, if you can believe it, another ripple afghan. I finished the first one and gave it to mother for her birthday. I know you are wondering why I never showed you a picture right? Well that was when I was ill. Her birthday came upon me quite quickly and I finished it the night before her birthday and had to quickly block it. It wasn't drying quick enough so... yes, I put it in the dryer but only on "NO HEAT". Do you want to guess what happened? Slightly smalller than anticipated but still beautiful. That is why there is no picture.
I am also going to make some cushions for that iron bench I mentioned in the last post. That's the plan anyhow. It is rather dreary and cold here today so I will also be spending some time with Nigella, making one of my favourtie dishes to warm up the kitchen.
Have a great week and thanks so much.


  1. I'm so excited and I just can't hide it, yaaaaaay!! Can you tell I'm just a bit pleased??!! Thanks you so much, I'm emailing you right now!
    Julia x

  2. well done Julia..that's Karma for you!! so deserved..
    (I just won Julias giveaway)

    ps Lisa I Love your sofa in the post below..and that tablecloth is so pretty!

  3. Congrats to Julia!

    Drat! Wish that you had taken a pic of the afghan, but you'll take your camera some day, right? :D

    Loved the chenille bedspread for the sofa...looks so right for summer. It's giving me ideas...

  4. Hope you don't mind that I added your blog to my list of faves. Couldn't help it, Lisa!

    The Gahan Girls
