Monday, February 02, 2009

London, England ~ Closed Today

I found these beautiful photos at BBC.

How did you spend your snow day? I am envisioning cooking, crafting and knitting.


  1. Lovely pics! I have mostly been dealing with fighting children but there was a brief spell of snowman making too!

    Mel xxx

  2. I'm at home as always, but loving the snow day!
    Most of it has melted, but the odd flurry happens here and there....those pictures are stunning!
    How is your day?x

  3. England (and no doubt Scotland, Wales and Ulster) has ground to a halt, we don't deal well with snow round these here parts.
    I managed to get into work this morning but trying to get home at midday by train was impossible so I had to leave early and get a taxi 20 odd miles home.
    Spending today cosy on the sofa with a good film and crochet.
    Hope you have had a lovely day.

  4. We've had just over an inch or so down here in sunny Dorset; some buses not running in the more rural areas, where there is more snow, but otherwise it's OK, but cold! Normal day here, therefore (knitting etc instead of hosuework that means LOL)



  5. Well not Barbara at Ramblings from an English Garden...she was right out in it and has pictures too.

    Those pics of London in the snow are wonderful!

  6. It does make me smile brother tells me you've had rather a lot of snow over there (he's in the Beaches area)and everything seems to just carry on..we certainly aren't very organised when it comes to dramatic weather, our boilers usually go on the blink the minute it gets colder and snow grinds even the capital to a halt! those are beautiful photos, especially the one of Buck' palace.
    My boys are making the most of being off school and are off over the hills sledging and I'm baking scones to eat later by the fire..haha I'm no fool! Enjoy the rest of your day..x

  7. In fairness, we don't get extremes of temperatures very often so it's not normal for it to snow hence the grinding to a halt. I probably could have gone in to work today, but then I wouldn't want to get stuck at work so I've been 'working' ahem (more like sherking) from home!

  8. We had about 6inches and it is glorious!
    So nice to see families out together having fun, NO cars just simle pleasure!
    I love it when we grind to a halt, wake up Britain!

  9. Miss. Poppins and I made a little snowlady, she is going on a date so was dressed rather fetchingly :)

    Gorgeous photographs


  10. Anonymous2:02 p.m.

    We didn't get anywhere near that much, but the orchard does look pretty and my husband planted 50 new trees today even though it didn't stop snowing.

  11. Anonymous2:30 p.m.

    In Sheffield, South Yorkshire, the snow only really hit today. I went to the Botanical gardens to sled with my friend on binliners, then went to work at 3pm, only to be sent home at 4:30 and then it took over 90 minutes to do the 10 minute journey home. My boyfriend's friend is stuck at our house as he cant get home (4 miles away)

  12. It look slike a snowy day here in Sweden! It´s not easy to walk to work when the snow is higher up than my boots. The best about snow must be that It´s possible to make snow angels!!

    Hugs Veronica

  13. We've been building snowmen (three so far!), and then had a meal at friends and walked back in the snow. Lovely day. And schools closed again tomorrow, so more of the same...6 snowmen, LOL. x

  14. Anonymous4:28 p.m.

    there was a bit of knitting but mostly playing
    lisa x

  15. Lisa, just stopping by to visit and say "hey!"

    Stay warm, keep crafting, keep posting.


  16. It's been a very snowy time for us!

  17. We have had 5" of snow here, to it's on with the wellies and woolies and out playing snowball fights and taking lots of photos. Snow makes you young again!

  18. Anonymous4:07 p.m.

    Wow. I don't think I have ever seen snow like that in London! I am in Missouri - our snow from last week has melted but the ice is still on the ground making life challenging. I spent my day teaching and then mending from a slip on the ice last Sunday. Love you blog and will be following. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  19. Lovely pics but really it's all a little embarrassing I think. I'm sure the rest of the World must be laughing at us because everything grinds to a halt when it snows. Admittedly there was quite a lot by our usual standards although nowhere near as much as when I was growing up in Yorkshire. But I'm not complaining. Got to spend the day with Hubbie-to-be as his School was closed. We went for a wonderful walk through some woods that made us feel we'd walked into Narnia. Then a cosy evening in front of the fire. We've got more coming apparently so no doubt all will grind to a halt again tomorrow.

  20. They are amazing, looks like they are coming from a beautiful fream.

