Monday, April 06, 2009

Blogging Privacy

I have just read, with such a sad heart, the terrible time A Thrifty Mrs. has had at her blog. I know many of you sympathise with her and can understand the horrendous time she must have had dealing with this and having to get the police involved. I read her blog all the time and enjoy it very much but wonder if this may give her or others a reason to discontinue blogging. I have met so many wonderful people from the blogging world and it is so disheartening when something like this happens. Scary even.

I have, on many occasions wanted to let you all in to my home on a much more personal level but have not simply because of something like this. There has been many moments, especially last week, when I have wanted to give you more intimate details of my life and my family's accomplishments but have not for fear of a similar situation. I have never really shown pictures of me or my family and wonder sometimes if I am too over cautious. Do any of you worry about this? I have never shown the outside of my home (with the house number) or have gone in to too much detail of exactly where I live or my general area. I have always wondered if there really are people out there that "stalk".

What do you think?


  1. Hi there...I'm glad i went private with my blog, its made me feel more at ease...
    I can understand why you feel this level of caution...

    Its a sad world when we have to hold back because some ppl want to behave badly...

    However I've met both in real life(Thrifty included) some lovely ladies and also met some very sweet ppl on here, who I email back and forth with...and they have all been wonderful..

  2. My goodness, not sure what exactly happened with her, but it doesn't sound good.

    We do need to be careful with how much information we give out, I agree Lisa. Hmmmm makes me think twice about what I share and what pics I post.

    Something to think about.

  3. I never put personal photos on here or on Facebook....I know my children do and my daughter has 100s on FB but her albums are by invite only, even she is cautious.

    I think we all need to be cautious and aware but not to the point of paranoia. It is so unfortunate the things some people experience on the net but bad things happen off the net too, just try to keep things in perspective xxx

  4. I think there is a lesson to be learned here and that we should exercise some caution when blogging. I have posted pictures of the outside of my house and of my children (both adults) but what I don't do is open up my heart. I try to keep things factual and I shall be especially vigilant in future.
    (Should I even put my real name here?!!)

  5. When I read Thrifty's update I had a real think about whether I should delete my blog, I'm not sure I should post some of the things I do (I've had 15,000 hits since Jan... so who knows who is reading?) and I worry about photos as well. I don't know the details of what has happened with Mrs Thrifty but it's obviously nasty so I hope the culprit is caught.

    Mel xxx

  6. I read yor blog often, but almost never write you comment.

    Today i just HAVE TO!!!
    Keeping privacy is SOOOOO important. I know what stalkers are able to do. They can be really creepy!!! At one time I had a male stalker who waited outside the place i worked, just to bring me flowers and to make me know what a "perfect" woman i was. My boss had to call the police.. but it didn´t work out at all. The creepy guy then started to send me flowers... every day for over six months. Then i guess he found some one else to terrorise......


    Hugs Veronica

  7. Hey,

    Thanks for discussing this. I too think it is really important.

    The thing is, so very few people in blogging know my name (I can count them on both of my hands), no one has seen a picture of me and I am very cautious as to what pictures I do or do not include. I thought I was one of the 'safer' bloggers out there - if that makes sense?
    I think we have to have an element of trust in the people we converse with in 'blogland' even now I find it hard to think I should suspect everyone of the worst, but sadly the few loons that are out there make it hard for that trust to exsist.

    I have met a few people from blogging and have the intention to meet a couple more, but I shall be VERY cautious with the information I share before building a solid relationship with others.

    Hope you are well. I do love your blog. :)

  8. Oh, I hadn't heard of any trouble like this. It's very sad. No, I don't worry too much about it because, like you, I've tried to be very careful. I don't reveal my hometown nor my state except to those blogging friends who have now become "real" friends. As for my face...well, now, just one face in millions.

  9. It is a scary thing, but i love blogging and don't want to give up. I don't post pictures where people can see mine or familys faces and not too much information about my whereabouts. I do feel concerned about giving out my address for swaps and giveaways but i love doing them, so there has to be an element of trust. I may go private in a few months but i've only been blogging for a few months. x

  10. Anonymous5:20 p.m.

    I think you bring up a very important question. I am far less private than I should be and I am reconsidering what I do and do not share. Being an open person, this is hard. Also, I am used to tons of exposure. Teaching in college I have over 400 each year - they know a lot about me and I rarely go out without seeing a present or past student.

    Has she shut down her blog? I don't know what happened - maybe you can share without revealing private information so we have a better understanding of what we should be watching for.

    Thank you - Kelly

  11. If your blog is public it is only right for you and your family to keep faces and addresses out of it. Anything that can identify you or yours is a no-no. I use my daughter as my model sometimes but never enough of her face to identify her.

  12. Hi, I've only just read Mrs Thrifty's post and was really shocked. I have to say when I first started blogging I was probably a little more guarded than I am now. The trouble is something like this happens and it makes you feel vulnerable. I suppose we all need to be careful to a certain extent.
    Take care.

  13. Hi
    I know what you mean. I read Thriftys blog and it is horrible that someone is leaving horrible comments etc. I made my blog private as I felt I would feel more comfortable not being on the world wibe web , but just a few bloggy mates. I feel more comfortable and at ease posting now, where as before I held back more. But I know exactly what you mean x Dom

  14. oh now what's happened? I do hope she's ok but it does make you wonder. I live in a small town and my mum often comments on how much I say I on my blog so this is making me even more cautious, what a shame. I love reading other people's blogs and can't imagine how anyone would want to do or say anything nasty. What is the world coming to??
