Friday, April 24, 2009

Charming and Beautiful

I have just discovered this wonderful artist.

Her name is Janet Hill.

I think her work is stunning.

The problem is I cannot decide on which ones to buy and when I do, they are sold.

They do get bought up quickly.

Can't you see why?

She also has an etsy shop.


  1.'s always nice to discover a new artist! I'll take a visit to her shop right now!

  2. Sweet art...looks as if she's been hanging out at your house!

  3. Beautiful, I love them all so sweet and would be so charming to have on a wall or leaning up on a pretty mantlepiece :)

    Enjoy your weekend


  4. Wow! What a wonderful artist...everything is so life like and real looking. Thanks for sharing these wonder they get bought so quickly!

  5. oh..i love her work..i would have a hard time picking out just one as well..have a great weekend!

  6. Thanks so much for the kind words about my paintings. I love your blog and I'm going to add it to my favourites!
    Take care,

  7. Ooohhh thanks for introducing me to her work, it's gorgeous, i love the colours she uses. I have a collection of postcards of interiors, because i love paintings of interiors, I should paint them myself shouldn't I?
    Janet Hill's work is very inspiring................. And i've just bought two of her prints!
    Love Vanessa xxx (do you mind if i knit)

  8. Thank you for showing her work, will have a look at her shop.....

  9. Beautiful!
    How talented she is!
    Lovely images of cosy interiors!xxxx

    BTW...your house is looking amazingly wonderful, the blue doors are making me swoon!xxx

  10. Lisa, Ikea seems to make the world small! Same curtains all over the world. :-) I love the paint colors you've chosen.

    And thank you for the tip about Janet Hill, I fell in love with her art immediately.

  11. Hi Lisa!

    Thank you for your sympathetic ear about my water issue. Ugh.This too shall pass.

    I have been trying to buy a Janet Hill for close to a year now. I finally bought her notecards recently and while I want to keep each and every one, find them to be the most perfect "gift" card I can send someone.

    Let me know if you find the secret to snagging one!


  12. I received an image by Janet Hill a couple of days ago. I only wish I would have bought a larger one. It is beautiful!! I can't wait to find the right frame for it! :O)
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  13. omg these paintings/prints are stunning!! Thank you so much for sharing the link - I am off to her shop right this minute! Loving your blog too by the way, so glad I stumbled across it. x
