Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The Girl in the Cafe

I watched this movie on Saturday.
I think Kelly MacDonald is so beautiful.

What a great movie. If you get a chance, watch it.


  1. Parece una linda película, no la vi todavía pero la veré, y estos dos pájaros, me encantan!!! Chany.-

  2. I watched this a couple of years ago, it went straight to TV here in the UK. It was compelling viewing, I love Bill Nighy. I am so glad someone else loved it as I did. I have never heard of it since x

  3. It's always good to have a recomendation!One to add to my Lovefilm list.
    Isabelle x

  4. I, too, really enjoyed this movie. I first heard of it when it was shown on HBO. Bill Nighy makes me sigh--eeh! :) And Kelly is from my mother's hometown of Glasgow.

  5. Thanks for the recommendation

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  7. i don't think i've ever heard of it. i'll have to investigate. thank you.

