Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The English Home

Generally speaking, I am not a huge fan of the magazine "The English Home". Although I find it quite pretty to look at, I find the homes a bit too too if you know what I mean. I prefer a bit of realism in my home and in the magazines that I buy. Country living and BBC Home and Antique are a bit more my style. However, the April issue of TEH is so pretty I had to share with you.

Several articles piqued my interest this month and most seem to have the same theme. Neutral colours mixed with charming patterns. Now that is my style.

And I thought this beautiful green floral wallpaper was to die for.

Ah, a bit of realism to relish.
But that's just my opinion ;)
I will be updating you soon on the baby knitting, it is slooooow.


  1. I whole-heartedly agree. See, I think CL is too posh for my liking. I really like 'Country Homes and Interiors' and 'Period House' because they don't feature hugely expensive, unobtainable homes. I remember one mag (not sure which one) featured a house where the children had their own kicthen complete with Smega appliances!!! I mean, who the hell can afford or justify that!

  2. I'll have to dig out the mag, it was taking the p*ss!! :-)

  3. absolutely gorgeous, especially that green paper.....but not many english homes i know look like this

  4. Heehee, it does look very staged. That wall paper is very nice though.
    Rachael XX

  5. Loving that green floral wallpaper. It is amazing.

  6. I love that green wallpaper. On so many decorating shows they talk about removing the wallpaper. While I realize that some wallpapers are not very attractive and some of the borders are hideous, not all wallpaper is ugly. I could imagine using the green floral you featured.

    Susan and Bentley

  7. Love these images today..these interiors are amazing. I love that bed and the wallpaper. xoxo

  8. Love drooling over those 'home' mags.Agree with you about The English Home though.Country Homes and Interiors is my favourite.I get lots of ideas and inspiration from that one...and from all the lovely blogs too!

    Bellaboo :)

  9. still swooning over the wallpaper ... lovely!


  10. Hi, thank you for the lovely comment on my blog! Maybe we can become great friends! I think your blog is very pretty and cute and I will come back for sure!
    Oh and I L O V E the green wallpaper!!
    Have a wonderful day!
