Monday, April 11, 2005

From Rowan Junior "Lou"Posted by Hello

I am working on this for DN3. I am doing it in a burgundy colour and it is working up very quickly. I also purchased 12 balls of this yesterday at $2.oo CAD per ball. That sounds like a deal, no? I will attempt to make something for DH with it. These are some of my bigger projects and I figured I would start with the cheaper stuff until I am totally confident that I really know what I am doing. I am still nervous about spending $150.00 on a project that I feel destined to screw up.


  1. Alice:
    DN3 does not yet know about the sweater as the last sweater mum knit for her took almost one year to complete and we all know 6 year old girls do not stop growing for their needle-challenged mothers. But thank you so much for the boost! (I guess we all need that once in a while)


  2. Lou is very cute :) I made a Rowan sweater very similar to that one called Dumpling in baby-sized :) Isn't it great how fast the Rowan big wool knits up?
