Friday, April 08, 2005

Ten Reasons I Should Have My Ass Kicked...

  1. I have been on the computer reading blogs since 8:40 am (it is now 10:00 am)
  2. I have not done a damn thing all day except get husband and children off to work/school.
  3. I didn't do a damn thing all day yesterday because that which strikes women to their knees once a month darkened my doorway and insisted on staying.
  4. Dust bunnies are so prevalent under a wing chair in my family room they have started to collect yarn remnants and will soon be posting ransom demands.
  5. Laundry pile is so large I think we are breaking fire exit codes.
  6. Winter/Summer clothes switch has not been done and children are going to school still looking like Kenny.
  7. Backyard is still unraked, unkempt and unpooperscooped, I'll say no more.
  8. I am still in my pajamas (it's now 10:14 am).
  9. I haven't finished my MIL's scarf yet and it has to be done by Sunday and even that is not motivating me.
  10. I know I have to do all this and yet I still sit here with no motivation other than I need another coffee so I will actually enter the kitchen under totally false pretenses.


  1. Elizabeth:
    You make me laugh, how is it you are reading my thoughts? Damn new yarn has been tempting me all day and it's taken all the power within not to start something instead of stupid, useless, no one gives a damn other than me, housework.

  2. your day yeterday sounds a lot like mine was. I managed to successfully watch TV all day and frog a project only to decided that it ws stupid to frog it and started all over again trying to make it a little bigger. Aside from that I got nothing accomplished. New yarn is calling my name and it is calling louder than the lesson plans due Monday. HMMMm who is going to win.

  3. J:
    Is that new yarn saying "turn me into a Buttonhole Bag?" Thank God I seem to have more energy today, I have to have a scarf done by tomorrow at 12:00, will I make it?

  4. Anonymous4:12 p.m.

    Hey there!
    You don't know me but I stumbled across your blog while looking for the name of the new knitty cafe on Queen. I'm not sure if you're familiar with or not, it's kind of like friendster but focused on tribes that are based on interests and swapping info and connecting. Anyways, I've just returned to Toronto after a year in San Francisco and tribe is huge there, not so big here, but I thought I would try to get it going, at least on a crafty level.

    I have started the Toronto Crafters Unite tribe Come check it out. I'm going to be at Tequila Bookworm Thurs nights after 6:30 knitting and am encourging more people to show up to stitch and bitch. Consider yourself invited.

    aka serious

  5. Anonymous4:46 a.m.

    First of all, if you haven't been checking knitomatic, there's a SnB at the Second Cup at Bloor & Royal York this Thursday at 6:30 or 7PM(provided the TTC is not on strike!)

    I hate housework; the only two things I enjoy are laundry and cooking.

    Why not just hire someone to come in and clean once a week, or even every two weeks? It isn't that expensive - it's likely cheaper than a tank of gas for your Suburbabn LOL! Even better, have kids do their own laundry. When I was growing up the rule was once you can reach the controls you do your own laundry.

  6. Mokey:
    Believe it or not I do have a cleaner that comes about once a month (she has no open days and I can only get her when she has an opening). This lady has been cleaning for my mother for 35 years and she is the best. The Molly Maids and the like are not that great and I have had many complaints about those companies over the years so I would rather have my cleaner once a month and do the rest myself. The children do their own rooms and put away their own laundry but their schedule is even more hectic than mine!
