Monday, May 02, 2005

Monday Morning Perk Up!

The weather here in Toronto is crap again so, as a result, for your viewing pleasure, I am presenting you with some knitter's eye candy. I was dragged to a church sale by mother on Saturday and what to my wondering eyes should appear? A bag of Anny Blatt mohair, my dear. And what was the cost of these beauties? Let's just say less than a cup of coffee. Yes, a BUCK!!! And Mum found (I actually pointed them out to her) walnut Brittany needles for... 50 cents. Should I go to these church sales more often?


  1. Nice find! And the cardi looks fab.

  2. The cardigan is lovely! You got some great buys at your rummage sale...I've had no luck in my thrift store hunts lately.

  3. Anonymous5:41 p.m.

    YOU lucky girl! This never happens to me ... :)

  4. Walnut Britanies! Wow! Your cardigan looks beautiful :)

  5. Wow! You are a lucky girl!
