Friday, May 06, 2005

While shopping for Mother's Day gifts, I found this little gem for myself Posted by Hello

I am such a naughty. But I did manage to get the Mother's Day gifts as well. I went shopping in Bloor West Village, one of my favourite places to drop a few quid. Now lately I have been in shopping limbo. Never seeing much of anything that tickles my fancy and rarely seeing items age appropriate (I am mid 30ish, okay closer to forty but still WEST of 40). Talbots used to happily swipe my card but lately they've been a wee bit, ahem, mature. Not that there's anything wrong with that but I am not mature. Never have been, so why start now? Ralph Lauren used to be a guaranteed but again, nothing. But today? Whoa baby! I was in retail heaven. I kept eyeing things for myself when I was supposed to be shopping for the mums. Of course this didn't help matters. The 80% off sign at LaCache was the clincher. They sell mostly this but some beautiful jewellery and kitchen items as well.

And the topper to all this? Did not even make it to The Yarn Boutique. I am ashamed to call myself a Fibre Enthusiast.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,

    I think you can still safely call yourself a Fibre Enthusiast, although I'll check the rule book for you! LOL!!

    Luv the purse!

    Happy weekend!
