Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trying to fit my birthday in...

I am sitting at my desk trying desperately to figure our schedule over the next week or so. Friday night is Hallowe'en and DN2 has a hockey game. I must stay to give out sweets while my husband takes her to her game. My youngest will go with a neighbour for the trick or treating part. Saturday is my birthday. We have two hockey games so any kind of celebration will be postponed.
Sunday is a whole other matter. We must drive DN2 3 hours east of here as she has been chosen to represent Ontario at the 2008 National Women's Under-18 Championship. She is then gone for the whole week til the following Sunday. We then have to be back here to prepare for a charity function at 5:00. Not sure when I will eat cake?
Perhaps just a celebration with my bloggy friends?


  1. Oh dear..you will just have to have a bloggers party... and squeeze us all in for tea and cake, between all the other 'goings ons'!
    Hope you do find time to celebrate! ;-)

  2. Hope you find time to celebrate in amongst all that!
    Deb x

  3. Hope you have a lovely birthday amongst all your busy chaos! Congratulations to your daughter on being chosen.

    Hen x

  4. You need some real cake and some real friends. :D I know that somebody in your family is on the job.

  5. Sounds like a busy time.
    Have a very happy birthday!

  6. What a busy schedule, it is nice when parents are involved with their kids, and by the way Happy Birthday.

  7. saturday is your b-day! happy birthday to you..a little early.Mine is monday,perhaps we could celebrate together?

  8. Happy Birthday for Saturday. Hope you managed to find some time for a small celebration.

  9. Hope you had a great birthday with cake and wine. You're another Scorpio! (There's a lot of us about!)

    My birthday is this coming Sunday, the 9th. Have the wine, working on the cake.


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