Absolutely, for sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, my camera cannot be fixed. So I need some suggestions from my faithful readers. I know many of you have fantastic cameras and I would love your input. Do I continue with my Canon love affair? Do I try Fuji? Please, all suggestions will be considered. And of course, it must be of the point and shoot variety. I am far too timid to be an SLR girl.
This was my first camera, btw. I loved it. Is that not the most delightful flash ever? It was this little cube that would rotate. Thanks for dropping by, girls.
Lisa xoxo
PS Thanks for your most gracious comments on my paint job!
This was my first camera, btw. I loved it. Is that not the most delightful flash ever? It was this little cube that would rotate. Thanks for dropping by, girls.
Lisa xoxo
PS Thanks for your most gracious comments on my paint job!