Monday, May 30, 2005

Super Powers

Apparently, without even knowing, I have Super Powers. Yes, indeed. Well one anyhow. And from what I hear, I'm not the only one that has it. Most moms I have spoken to also have this gift. It is like xray vision but works slightly different. From what I can gather, we are the only ones that see things like:

Empty water bowl and hair elastic that has been there since Saturday Posted by Hello

Seven pairs of shoes at front door (better than eleven pairs there last night) Posted by Hello

Soon to explode bathroom garbage Posted by Hello

Vacuum cleaner that has been in upstairs hallway since last Thursday Posted by Hello

Dead ants from mass ant killing Posted by Hello

Wad of hair on carpet in upstairs hallway Posted by Hello

The overfilled laundry hamper Posted by Hello

And the classic... Posted by Hello

Anyone else out there have these powers? I am in awe of this force I possess.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Hello, Anyone Home?

Yes, I am still here. Had more computer probs. Figured it was the batteries for the keyboard and mouse, changed batteries a zillion times til DN1 discovered it was a loose plug. Again, I re-state, I am beyond blond. Oh, and my bicycle got stolen on Friday night. Piss me off. Took me a year to find that bloody bike and it gets stolen. Who would want a red bike with red tires, a black market basket with a look that makes you think of the witch in "The Wizard of Oz"? They left my kid's racing bike and took mine. Wonders never cease.

And this little gem from my mother's church sale jaunts. Would you believe this... Posted by Hello

More Buttonhole Bags~Blue and Pink for a Teacher gift and the Burgundy and Grey for my sister Posted by Hello

Triangular Shawl in Drop Stitch Pattern Posted by Hello

Monday, May 16, 2005

And the Winner is...

Well, just hold on a minute. I want to thank everyone for participating in the Btchwstix Blogday Contest. I can't believe there are this many people reading me. You like me, you really like me. But enough already. You want to know the winner, yes? Okeydokey, the winner is...

Jannett, at The KnittingNurse. You can go visit her if you like and congratulate her. She correctly answered the question about my knitting genesis. She wins the beautiful skein of Briggs and Little and the ball of Mission Falls cotton. Thank you again, to all my readers for visiting me and participating. Perhaps I will do this again. Kinda fun. Was the question too easy? Should I have made you all work harder? We shall see.

On the homefront, there are some problems. Not big you don't want to read about my water problem problems but more I got ants and it's all because of my kids problems. See there are waste baskets throughout my home. And the children like to use these baskets for their drinking boxes/chocolate wrappers/yogurt containers instead of the kitchen garbage where they are told to put them. As a result, ants. Ants in the livingroom (yuk) and ants in the basement bathroom (not quite as yuk but still yuk). So we have the ant traps down and don't I spend abnormally (even for me) long periods of time watching the mass poisoning? Absolutely fascinating. Ant goes in, carries out load, takes back to baseboard (ant condo) and comes back with friends. "Ya gotta come to this party! Email everyone in your address book!" Two days later, ant corpses everywhere. Glad they are working, although I do feel kinda Dr. Sinister like.

Friday, May 13, 2005

You Could've Knocked Me Over With Mohair

People are entering the contest at a furious rate. Wow. Lurkers are comin' out in droves. It's wonderful to hear from all these knitters and some of their stories as well. This is just a quick post to let you all know the contest is definitely heating up and can't wait to do the draw.


Came across this last night and thought it was one of the most pathetic pictures I've ever seen. Thank goodness he's on the mend.

Have a great weekend and again, Good Luck!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Here it is. A skein of blue Briggs and Little and a ball of Mission Falls 1824 Cotton Posted by Hello

Why am I showing you these beautiful babies? Because it is a CONTEST! In honour of my blogday I am hosting a little competition. And the winner receives these two gorgeous items. The skein of Briggs and Little is the same blue I did this Buttonhole Bag in. This skein will give you one bag done in this famous pattern. The Mission Falls cotton can be used for a flower embellishment for the bag or a baby hat such as the umbilical cord hat in the Stitch n' Bitch book. The cotton is now discontinued so please feel honoured (it is a gorgeous colour). Now for the details.

The contest is obviously open to all my readers and I am hoping to hear from some of the lurkers out there. I just felt that you are all so faithful and leave some of the nicest comments, well, I just felt you deserved a little something (choking up).

All you have to do is answer a simple question (the answer being hidden somewhere in a past post) and email it to me at Feel free to comment but don't leave the answer in the comment section in case it gives someone a one up on ya. The contest closes at midnight (E.S.T.) on Sunday May 15, 2005. Look at the planning here, I may not even get a contestant! Now for the question. I went back and read some of my earlier posts (God bless those that actually continued reading me after the first few), looking for some material. I really am a psycologist's dream though aren't I. Freud would have a field day! I digress. I know you're patiently waiting. Okay, here it goes:

Who taught me how to knit and why didn't I catch on the first time?

Oh the questions I was going to ask you people! I am sure this one is better than the "what kind of bathroom tile do I prefer?" one I was thinking of using. And of course the "what male dominated sport does DN2 play?" was just way too simple. So there you have it.

I wish you all the very best of luck and sincerely look forward to hearing from you all.

P.S. If more than one person emails me the correct answer, I will do the names in the bowl thing.

Happy Blogday to Me!!!

Can you believe you've been reading this tripe for a year? And in honour of this auspicious event, I have a delectable little suprise for all of you. However, you will have to wait til DN1 comes home from her "Grease" production at school as she has the digital camera. So come back later to see. It'll worth it!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Okay, I realize I am late for the party...

But is this blog for real? I know this is like a year old but I just read about her book (basically detailing what is already on the blog?) You must read the entry on May 11. There she outlines all the men we are suppose to keep track of as she blatantly airs her dirty laundry for all to see. Are we suppose to believe this account of narcissitic nymphomania?

What draws me to these incredible internet sagas anyway?

Friday, May 06, 2005

While shopping for Mother's Day gifts, I found this little gem for myself Posted by Hello

I am such a naughty. But I did manage to get the Mother's Day gifts as well. I went shopping in Bloor West Village, one of my favourite places to drop a few quid. Now lately I have been in shopping limbo. Never seeing much of anything that tickles my fancy and rarely seeing items age appropriate (I am mid 30ish, okay closer to forty but still WEST of 40). Talbots used to happily swipe my card but lately they've been a wee bit, ahem, mature. Not that there's anything wrong with that but I am not mature. Never have been, so why start now? Ralph Lauren used to be a guaranteed but again, nothing. But today? Whoa baby! I was in retail heaven. I kept eyeing things for myself when I was supposed to be shopping for the mums. Of course this didn't help matters. The 80% off sign at LaCache was the clincher. They sell mostly this but some beautiful jewellery and kitchen items as well.

And the topper to all this? Did not even make it to The Yarn Boutique. I am ashamed to call myself a Fibre Enthusiast.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Monday Morning Perk Up!

The weather here in Toronto is crap again so, as a result, for your viewing pleasure, I am presenting you with some knitter's eye candy. I was dragged to a church sale by mother on Saturday and what to my wondering eyes should appear? A bag of Anny Blatt mohair, my dear. And what was the cost of these beauties? Let's just say less than a cup of coffee. Yes, a BUCK!!! And Mum found (I actually pointed them out to her) walnut Brittany needles for... 50 cents. Should I go to these church sales more often?

Almost there! Just need to do the collar seaming and buttons Posted by Hello

Booklets Posted by Hello
The 6 of them were a dollar at the Church sale. The "Learn How Book" is adorable with chapters on knitting, crochet, tatting and embroidery. Published in 1959. Can you guess what my next "learn to" project is?

10 Cream Anny Blatt Mohair balls + 1 Green ball Posted by Hello