Kitchen Ideas


Knitting, Crocheting, Pretty Little Vintage Things
Posted by Knitty, Vintage and Rosy at 1:30 p.m.
Labels: Decorating
"Of all the great things that the English have invented and made part of the credit of the national character, the most perfect, the most characteristic, the only one they have mastered completely in all its details so that it becomes a compendious illustration of their social genius and their manners, is the well-appointed, well-administered, well-filled country house."
I want, want, want those kitchens!
Great post.
Gorgeous kitchens! I think the third one down is Cath K's kitchen. Good luck with the decorating...
Hen x
Hen, you are so right! What a faithful fan you are. That is indeed, Cath's kitchen.
I'd just me one like Cath's......super duper!!!
Love em!
Ah - lovely kitchens............. Mine is only half done, with no ceiling as yet! I've been told it willb e done by the new Year. Wonder which one? LOL.
Like the wee dog, too.
Good post!
Wonderful kitchens! Cream sounds like a lovely color for kitchen cabinets. Will you also be painting the beadboard?
Going back to see Cath's kitchen...
Such beautiful pictures. Thank you.
I'm with yu on the cream cabinets. Gorgeous photos.
You gave me a good laugh. I saw that the post was on redoing kitchens, saw the pictures, and thought "What crazy person would want to redo that kitchen?" Then I read further and learned that these were inspiration photos.
I just linked to your blog from a Google search for 'Cath Kidston shopping in Toronto' as we are headed to your lovely city from here in Texas later this week. Sadly, I see there's not a shop there either -- sigh. Oh well, I wonder if you could recommend some places you like to shop as I can see from your beautiful blog that you have wonderful taste? We'll be there from the 25th - 28th and staying in the downtown area. I'd love to find a nice yarn shop as we have nothing here in our little town other than Michael's and Hobby Lobby ;-(.
The kitchen photos are gorgeous -- makes me want to re-do mine too. I really wanted an Aga for our house when we built it 10 years ago, but the price was too rich for our blood -- maybe some day. Good luck with your remodel. I'm sure it will be wonderful!
Hi Lisa, you didnt have to write again although it was so nice of you. I can see you are a very busy girl right now! I am like you I think, I like alot of different styles and colours ( providing they all have a vintage look/feel) and its hard to settle on one. I go through all my photos etc too and i love them all. I guess if you pick a neutral colour for the cupboards, you can add whatever details you like to make the ktichen feel how you want to. If you only buy what you really like, it should all somehow come together, thats what I do. best of luck. Cant wait to see it!
Can't wait to see what you came up with. Make sure you show us your newly painted and decorated kitchen when it's done...
I just fell in love! With your kitchen... So warm and nice. All the cute colours... it looks like lots and lots of candy.
Good luck with the decorating
I have some of those very same pics in my inspiration files. Unfortunately I can't resist clutter so our kitchen is full to bursting! Can't wait to see pics of the new room
Julia xx
Between a romantic kitchen and an ultra modern kitchen my heart will always hesitates. But i'm messy and a collector by nature so I think modern is out of the question.
Just love all your ideas!! Wish I could make each of my rooms like one of yours. Love
South Africa
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