Browsing and Planning

I have been very busy the last week or two. We are now billeting a girl on my daughter's hockey team and I had to set a room up for her. She will be here with us for the next nine months and attend my daughter's school as well. Add that to the five of us already here and DN1 boyfriend that is here 4 or 5 times a week and things can get pretty chaotic. But really cooking for 5, 6, 7 what difference does it make really? At least they are here right?
I am leaving Friday morning for a girls' weekend away and will be back Sunday. Then Wednesday I am on a road trip with DN2 for unofficial visits to some of the universities that are offering her scholarships. We are starting out at the University of Connecticut, then on to Rensaeller, Syracuse and Clarkson. It will be a hectic few days. As you can see I really, really want her close to home. She will be officially visiting some other schools as well and she has to narrow that down to three or four. Possibly Northeastern, Yale, Princeton, Quinnipiac, Boston U and UNH. But these are so faaaaar! I know I am going to have such a hard time with this leaving thing. In another year this may be a very depressing little blog to read ;)
I hope all is well with you and that you are squeezing in as much summer as possible.
Lisa xo