Can you guess what today is? Four! 4! Quattro! Years ago today I began this blog. I actually hadn't really thought about it until Elizabeth at Kittycafe kind of reminded me as we started around the same time.
My blog began as a mostly knitting blog with me rambling on about my less than perfect attempts at needlework. Ooooh there was some doozies I'll tell you! My photography was much worse than it is now, not that there is anything great about my talent now but oh, boy there were some nasty pictures going on. I also had this amazing list of blogs in my sidebar that I completely deleted, by accident, when I switched my blog to the new blogger format. There were some really brilliant blogs on there which I have never been able to find again since the memory is, well you know.
I have since expanded my blog to include thrifting purchases and decorating ideas which seems to have opened up my readership. This I am forever thankful for as I have met (is that the word?) some of the nicest people. I love the blogging world and reading all the wonderful little anecdotes that people are kind enough to post on their blogs almost everyday. I am forever inspired by so many. A few have decided to close down lately, which really saddens me, however, there is one that chose to stay afloat after an incredible response, isn't that blogger love at its finest?
What I am getting at, dear friends, is in appreciation for your loyalty and support I am doing, what else, but a little bloggy giveaway. Please leave a comment (that means you out there in lurkdom;) and I will be randomly selecting a name for a prize that I am sure you will enjoy.
I will close the contest down on Friday to give those occasional readers a fair chance.
Once again, thank you.
And did you notice my title? I was such a novice on my first post I put the date there not knowing each entry would be dated. Duhhh!
Lisa xoxo
PS I hope you all had a simply marvy Mother's Day!!!
PSS Sorry for the lack of spacing today, Blogger just was not in the mood to space!