Does Debbie Bliss Have a Crush on Cath Kidston?
But seriously, the patterns in these books are wonderful. I am thinking about knitting the most charming little booties in the Quick Baby Knits books. Oh, they are simply darling. I also started some socks with some Trekking yarn I've had for about two years. My imagination is so much more organised than my real life.
source: Quick Baby Knits and Home by Debbie Bliss
Have to say the same thought has often spun through my mind!
Just a little lady crush I'd say.
Debbie Bliss? See how little I know...must do some research. Whoever she is, these are lovely images...the children in their sweaters are darling. I need to get busy on two baby gifts and how I wish that I knew how to knit socks or booties or something.
I think you might be right - hopefully your parcel should be with you this week . Hope you like it - there is another lady who likes CK I think and something of her is in your parcel - see if you agree.
Lovely pictures...Yes very Cath Kidston I'd say!
Margaret and Noreen
Love the comment about your organsied imagination!! LOL
Such a traditional country look, eiderdowns, woolly jumpers, little children, flowers and other pretty things. I just love it.
I've got loads of ideas going around in my head too, just need to organise them!!!
Take care.
Lovely lovely pictures!!!
Have great wednesday!
They are scrummy pictures, I think I might have to read that book just to look at them (I can't knit)! There is a lot CK inspired isn't there, though I'm not sure Lady Cath would have a picture with her pants in it!!! :D
Mel xxx
How cute are those cardigans!? Makes me wish I was a better knitter.
Hi there!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Very nice blog you have!!!
Sam xx
I'm following you too now!
i love debbie bliss stuff but haven't seen these books - love the kiddies jumpers
lisa x
Hmm, you are probably right.
But then, I adore all things in Cath Kidston's style, so need to have a closer look at Debbie Bliss' page.
And your blog is lovely:), will come back again.
Now that you point it out...
I love the idea of crocheting or kntting a peg bag, I'd do one in a delicious pale blue color...
I've been knitting a long time and Debbie Bliss has been doing this same sort of stuff since at least the late 80s. I made one of her fair isle baby sweaters for a godson who is now in college!
Don't know who came along first, but Debbie and Cath certainly seems to drink from the same well of inspiration!
OH !!!!!
How i adore that book you have on your blog. Looks perfect. I might have to buy it. What types of things are the patterns for? I ADORE the cushions!
I also, noticed you have a pug - I had one as a child, but he has long gone.
Also, thanks for the comment on our blog, I'm glad you liked it.
L x
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