Chocolate Deprived Easter for the Knitty Household

In the living room we find all that remains for the children's special day is a few ripped up pieces of plastic and cardboard. The sweet chocolate Peter Rabbit nowhere to be found. The boxes of chocolate given to all three girls from my mum and dad nothing but saliva encased bits of paper and what used to be cardboard.
My pug, however, looks like he gained 5 pounds. And he is WIRED. We have been through this before. Hallowe'en he got into the chocolate bars and devoured 17 bars before we found him and the wrappers. He did not like the Aero bars but had a passion for the Kitkats. He had gone on a chair, tore open the bag, chewed through the box and ate them. Nothing was left except the Aero bars. I immediately called the vet and they told me the real danger is the really good chocolate and not these kind as they have very little "real" cocoa in them. Thank God. He was fine. Just really, really, hyper.
I am really hoping I do not wake up Easter morning to see a re-appearance of the digested chocolate if you understand my meaning.
Hoping you are all having a better one than I. And what the heck can the Easter Bunny produce in the next 8 hours??? All I have in the cupboard is a half eaten package of TimTams and some left over Cinnamon hearts from Valentine's Day...
oh dear, naughty doggy!!
Oh dear! Next year thae chocolate stash will have to be under lock & key!!! I hope that despite the lack of chocolate and a hyper dog running around, you still have a lovely Easter!
Isabelle x
Don't you just love 'em!!!! On the bright side, Easter eggs will be half price tomorrow!!!
Sharon xx
Oh, my!!! What a crazy dog!!! Hope you can have a wonderful (chocolateless) Easter!!
Oh dear!!
I hope the Easter bunny had time to come back with more eggs and treats?
Love the book below, what wonderful pictures!xxx
So, how did the dog fare today?
Hope you had a wonderful Easter Day!
Bummer for you, does the pug ask for a little Pepto after these chocolate binges?!
oh those pets....this reminds me of one Christmas when i spent hours and hours making cookies to decorate our Christmas guessed...came home one day all were eaten...except the higher ones...just little bits of string hanging where cookies once had been...gotta love those animals!!!
Oh dear! What a naughty dog you have.
The same happened over my SIL's. Her dog managed to jump on the kitchen side and ate a dish full of roses. He's really feeling sorry for himself. He has now passed a few wrappers and is feeling better! Silly bloody dog! I hope you didn't get any unwanted Easter presents. xxx
What a cheeky pooch :)
Twiggy x
Just wanted to let you know you have received an award....check out my blog.
What a scamp!...but we can understand being chocoholics too!
Margaret and Noreen
Oh my, what a naughty boy! My dog got into my daughter's Christmas stocking many years ago, one that was completely hand beaded, and ate right through it to her chocolate. Needless to say there were some tears when we returned home. I was able to salvage parts of it and we re-constructed a new one for her.
Stay Cozy, Carrie (I came by from Koralees' blog)
Oh no! We had a similar situation, although not to the same extent from the sound of it. I hope you didn't have any nasty surprises the following morning and that you managed to rustle up something for the next day! Maybe next year you should lock them in a cupboard out of reach!!
Cathy XX
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