A Rather Large Confession

And I know it is a time for a couple to reconnect, blah blah blah. But the truth of the matter is my husband and I have always connected. We have an amazing relationship. He is part of me. My soul mate, my confidant, my lover. I am incomplete without him. He has been an absolute sweetheart since I came back from dropping her off. He purposely booked up the following weekend to the point of near exhaustion to keep my mind and body busy. He calls me a few times a day just to say "hello". And I have two other daughters. The oldest is 21, still goes to uni and lives at home and the youngest is 12 and we are still active with her. But you don't replace one child with another, do you? I guess I'm just trying to say to please be a bit patient with me and I will try to get back into the swing of things as soon as possible.
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I plan on doing a few painting and decorating jobs over the next couple of months so I will try and keep you posted with before and after pics.
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Thanks for listening.
Lisa xoxo
Oh I do feel for you. My son is planning on moving to the other side of the world. 'As soon as possible' are his words. He is 19. No idea how I will cope.
Oh hun....I do feel for you my lovely. My eldest went to Uni last year.He struggled with the loneliness and took a long time to settle (he's always been a home bird).
Take as long as you need to adjust hun. We set up Skype to talk to him every couple of days which helped him and us...
Good luck
((big higs))
Karen x x x
You poor thing. It's so hard isn't it, even now I know in reality I'm getting my girls ready to stand on their own two feet and take on the world when they're old enough, but really I'd rather freeze time and stay in the moment. Whilst I've not been through the same yet, I can really understand how you're feeling right now. Take care of yourself.
It'll all come together. What a delightful and supportive hubby you have! Take all the time that you need...
Im feeling a little bit like this myself at the moment so know just where you are... start a new knitting project (or ten..) its what Im doing to stay sane!!! xx
Bless your sweet sensitive heart. What a lucky girl your daughter (and family) is to have such a loving mom.
Feel better soon.
I hope you start feeling better soon. I'm having a wobble about Grace being in the last year of Primary, and I can't imagine how I'll cope when she leaves for Uni. I hope it gets easier for you. Get some projects on the go to cheer yourself up (and don't forget to show us!).
Good luck,
Cathy XX
Oh I understand...my daughter is moving your way in 2 weeks time...it will be very hard for me and for her sisiters.
Skype will be a lifesaver I think.
Hugs. xoxoxo
Dear Lisa,
I know exactly how you feel. My second daughter moved out to study in The Hague two weeks ago! I still have to get used to the feeling not having her around anymore. I miss talking to her, her pressence at the table, her laughter, but I know it will get easier in time! And you know what...I have been using MSN to talk to her! It helps! You can also use SKYPE!!
Wish you a happy weekend!
Keep strong, you have a lovely family, and its a pleasure to come accross your blog
sue xxx
Lisa, dearest. My heart goes out to you. As much of a rock as I was when I dropped her off, and as emotionally sound as I've been since then, this weekend when she came home then left to go back just about did me in. Someone had told me that her coming home and then leaving would be way harder than taking her to school. IT WAS!! And so I'm wading in the pool of tears and patheticness with you. We make it through this. But for now it just feels good to stand waist-deep in sorrow.
With love,
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