Kitchen Windows
I would not be exaggerating if I told you I am jealous of windows. Fiercely. Not in windows generally, just those that are in the kitchen, above the sink. I do not have a window right above my sink, and I think it is so beautiful and calming.
Shouldn't it be mandatory that all kitchen sinks must have a window above them? I have an angled sink that looks at
the window but is not directly below the window. Next kitchen, I am telling you right now? Must have the window. They are just too pretty not to.

So just for the record, if you have such a window, I am jealous.
not to worry......all windows are not created equal....I have a window above my sink...when I look out I literally see a red brick wall....from the house next door..there is no view...but it does shed light...but nothing to look at while I am at the sink..:(
a seascape would be nice...what about a mural wallcovering of some kind...just a thought...a window with a view.....lovely....have a good one...Faith
I love the pics you chose!
Yes I do have a kitchen window right above my sink and am lucky to be able to watch the birds from there ;-)
I have no pretty view from my kitchen window....just the back of other peeps houses....:>((
I'd love a belfast sink them!xxx
Those are lovely pics, I wouldn't mind a kitchen like some of those! In my last house our sink looked over our big front garden, which was really nice. Here I have a great view of a breezeblock wall :-/
Mel xxx
Yes, I agree. I don't know how women function without being able to see outside (without cranking their necks). Fortunately, I have always had a window directly over the sink. My favorite over-the-sink window looked directly onto a honeysuckle bush where in summer I could watch hummingbirds and in winter cardinals. I still miss that one.
I love that last kitchen you've shown. Do you remember where you found that?
When I stand at the sink I can look out to the garden and see the birds and my neighbours' sheep.
Enjoyed looking at your pics.
Take care.
You're so windows were made to have a sink underneath!
Deb x
Mine is similar to the second photo, but not so tidy LOL I have the white Belfast sinka nd original 1947 wooden draining boards; teh windows need painting, but they do look out over the back garden - bird table, spring flowers, ducks and chickens at the moment. In the process of making a window quilt for it - it's big - about 6ft x 3 ft, cold in winter, there's a lot of little panes of glass.
I know I'm lucky to have it. :)
Hi Vee:
I am almost positive it came from the Ideal Home site. But I will double check to be sure ;)
Lisa xo
I have such a window and would love to share it with you because I understand. To do dirty dishes without the blessings of a beautiful view would be impossible. But not for You! Keep calm and carry on. You are doing brilliantly under such terrible conditions. ;)
Such lovely pictures...makes the craving for a home of our own worse. I do have a window over the kitchen sink, but it just looks over at the neighbors house and frond door...not inspiring at all.
I have one below my sink, but, but, but it looks at a white wall and nothing else. Pah!
i have no pretty window either above my sink - just a wooden fence. i do keep think i should pretty it up in some way. any ideas?
the kitchen in ard na mara makes up for it as it has a lovely view overlooking the fields and sea. i want to be there now.
:-) i like the pictures!! i have a window with a nice view as well but never spend any time at the sink as use the dishwasher :-D
Lesley x
The view does make a difference. If you have a window but a poor view then it can just get you down. What would your view be like? I have "window envy" alltogether, not just the kitchen one. If someone has beautiful windows I am jealous!
I love windows too, and had new sash ones put in a few years ago. Unfortunately the kitchen window was in good condition, unlike the rest and we didn't have it done. I've regretted it ever since. I love 'Through the Kitchen Window' - one of my fave books.
Cathy X
I "feel for you" as they say. Our house has no window above the sink. I put a framed mirror there and I decorate it with the seasons. We can wash dishes and talk to people behind us, plus I decorate it according to the seasons. But it is still not the same as having a window over the sink.
Kitchen sinks and windows are meant for each other. Think about it... back when lights and electricity were not as widespread, the kitchen still had a lot of activity going on. The place needed the natural light from the sun, and the area around the sink was an ideal place.
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