Monday, May 17, 2004

Raiders of the Lost Yarn

We are having a garage sale on Saturday, which is, indeed, the long weekend here in Canada. It is the weekend everyone opens their cottages and quite a few people go away. However, the neighbours have decided this weekend is it and I am following along. The question is, do I try and sell some old (relative term, only been knitting since October)or continue on with present stash? Went through stash 2 weeks ago and was thinking about getting rid of this and that but I was having a difficult time committing to this. Is that unusual? Is it yarn separation anxiety? Do others have this affliction of not wanting to part with said stash? Will there eventually be a NEED for the yarn you are about to depart with? How do you catergorize your yarn? I am usually a pretty organized individual but on this front I am very unmartha. At the moment there is yarn:

1. In dining room sideboard drawers (sticking out and cannot shut one drawer).

2. Artfully arranged in willow basket in livingroom, but dangerously close to overflowing like Mt. St. Helen.

3. In plastic bags in bedroom closet, corner in diningroom and front hall closet.

Any ideas/suggestions on this quandary, please let me know.

Next Time...
Where To Stick the Needles

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